Saturday, January 22, 2011

Week 4: Natural Light

This weeks theme is all about natural lighting. Since my husband's and my 3 year anniversary was on the 22nd, he brought home pretty tulips and sweet peas. Perfect items to photograph. This sweet pea turned out to be my absolute favorite. Hope you enjoy.

Shutter: 1/320
ISO: 100

Sweet Pea

Friday, January 21, 2011

Week 3: Closeup

Well for some reason closeups, aka macro, shots are usually my favorite thing to do. This week I had the hardest time getting a picture I liked though. So of course in true fashion, I waited until the very last day to shoot and get a picture I liked.
This weeks picture is of the Girl Scouts cookies Thanks-A-Lot. It's that season and well why not.

Shutter: 1/18
Aperture: F/5.6
ISO: 800

Thanks- A-Lot

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Week 2: Speed

This week I decided to challenge myself a little and go with the theme of speed. Thank you to my awesome husband helping me out by pouring water on my plate at 10 PM. I chose 2 for this weeks blog. I am pretty happy with both even if one is a little more gray then I would prefer. But hey, this is a learning experience. Until next week enjoy!

Both pictures- Shutter: 1/60; F/4.9; ISO: 200

Picture 1 prints

Picture 2 prints

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Week 1: Stop and Smell the Roses

       This week, week one, I was lost. I have been wanting to do this project for weeks now. I have been so excited to start it, but suddenly the 1st was here. Time to start. I was at a blank on what to do. Seriously? How hard is it just to go out and take a picture? Maybe I started over thinking things. It was really frustrating. 
       Thankfully my son, Jackson, told me today that I needed flowers. Well since he is only a year old and can't talk, he is my excuse for having flowers. I was able to get some very pretty pink roses today. We all just need to stop and smell them or at least take time to stop and enjoy life's little pleasures. 
       Here it is, my week one picture.  It's nothing great, the center isn't in focus, but the out rims tend to tell a story. A story about the path that you are on right now might be clear right in front of you, or even a few miles down the road, but the future isn't always so clear. 

Shutter: 1/20
Aperture: F/5.6
ISO: 800

Please feel free to critique any of my work from week to week. As this is a learning experience.

Roses size