Saturday, January 28, 2012

Week 4: Imperfection

Imperfection, never thought that it would be difficult subject to take a photo of. I had several ideas in mind but none that actually would work out how I had planned. So after pure procrastination for a week I decided to out and take pics today.

What I got was a rusty nail in a piece of split wood. Obviously neither are perfect, and they probably haven't been close to perfect since well the wood was on the tree and the nail was first molded from metal.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Week 3: Inspiration

This weeks theme is inspiration. I thought of what inspires me the most and my son is just always on my mind and my biggest fan.  I take so many pictures of him so I wanted to mix it up a bit.
A good friend of mine Amanda made him a pirate name plaque before we moved back to the states to match his pirate room ( which has slowly transforming into a Cars room). So instead of a picture of him I have one of his name.

As soon as I did took this we went outside to show our son all about sparklers. Since he is 2 we have not introduced him to this yet. Well I think he was mesmerized.  So I think my inspiration is more of Love as a whole.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Week 2: Sharing

After a being away from my little man for a week while down in Miami house hunting, I can honestly say I never want to be away from him that long again. I missed him so terribly much. Just seeing his face when his father and I walked in the room last night was priceless. He was all smiles. We thought for sure he would be upset with us for leaving him with his grandma.
This weeks theme was sharing. Well the blue thing he holds is Mickey. Mickey protects him while he sleeps. He shares all his dreams with sweet Mickey.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Week 1:Resolution

Unfortunately last year  I was unable to finish my 52 weeks of photos project.
This year, even though I am moving again, I am going to try do this all year. Should be easy right? By the end of each Saturday uploading a photo and that should be it? A lot easier said than done when you have a 2 year old running around, moving, and getting settled in a new city. But I am going to try to do the best that I can.

Week 1: Resolution

One of my resolutions for this year is to have "J" potty trained. Wish me luck! He will potty but not all the time.