Saturday, February 26, 2011

Week 8: Black and White

Finally I am in my comfort zone. Black and White. Oh how I love black and white pictures. I think it just share much more of a story and freezes time more than color.


Shutter: 1/60
Aperture: F/5.6
ISO: 100

Week 8

Friday, February 18, 2011

Week 7: Catchlights

Catchlights are simply a light source reflected in the eyes of your subject.
I had the pleasure this week to shoot a little girl for her 1 year pictures. We had so much fun. She was too cute even in the sand.


Shutter: 1/800
Aperture: F/ 5.6
ISO: 200

Friday, February 11, 2011

Week 6: Negative Space

Well, this weeks theme is negative space. I love off centered photography and using the rule of thirds. Anyway, I had the privilege to take family photos for our good friends the "B" family. There is nothing like getting silhouettes of all 4 of them ( yes even baby "L's" head could be seen) in a little rock over hang. The day was perfect.

Shutter: 1/320
Aperture: F/4.0
ISO: 100

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Week 5: Reflection

Of course last minute again. I need to step it up. This week I had such a hard time finding inspiration on reflection. I didn't want to do a self portrait in the mirror. The pictures of my son's 1st hair cut didn't quite make the cut either. So I searched the great World Wide Web and found inspiration.
Plus since Valentine's Day is creeping up on us I think this is very fitting.

 ME + YOU = WE

Shutter: 1/60
Aperture: F/4.5

Me & You