Thursday, May 24, 2012

Week 21: Dream

My husband and I took our son to the train museum at the beginning of the week. Everyday since he has wanted to do nothing but play with his trains. If he could talk more than he does, maybe he might tell me his dream could be to work on the railroad like his great-papaw did.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Week 20: Motherhood

My son is my world. I love that I can try to teach him the alphabet with chalk and he can turn something as simple as the ABC's into art with adding his own chalk to the mix. He has to put his own spin on everything, and he is rather pretty good at it too.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Week 19: Weather

Thanks to my dad for having my curiosity of weather grow as an adult. I have been fascinated by it since I was little. I hate HATE hate storms. But if there is a hurricane or tropical storm out there chances are that my tv is on the weather channel, or I am looking at  or watching the destruction unfold over and over again.  I have a love/hate relationship with destruction. Now that I am  living in south florida it makes me nervous on this upcoming hurricane season.

We had a storm come through on Monday and here I am on my patio trying to get a picture of the rain. Of course I have lightening all around me ( my patio is not enclosed). So I decided to be smart and put on shoes and get my tripod. Go me!

*Featured in My Four Hens Photography Eye Candy for Week 19*

This morning on my son's and my walk to the lake we started getting some rain clouds move in. This is an instagram photo I took, but I think it is still pretty.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Week 18: Happy

Jack's swimming in the pool at our new club house.  This is the happiest I have seen him in a long while.