Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Week 13: Nature

My favorite topic and subject ( besides my son).  Lately I have had a lot of my nature pictures up for sale on my ETSY site ( www.ryannephotography.etsy.com) and this picture has got to be one of my all time favorites that I have ever taken. It is of a blooming aloe plant. I didn't know they were this pretty up close. I guess I never paid much attention to them. Boy do they smell good too.  This print is for sale.

Week 12: Sparkle

Sometimes a sparkle isn't really a sparkle, it could be just a feeling that tingles in side you, or something that someone sees inside of another person.

Week 11: Blue

My mothers yellow banks rose and the crystal clear blue sky behind it makes for a perfect backdrop.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Week 10: Personality

The many faces of my son. I swear the other day it hit me that I should of just done this project as 52 pictures of my son since it seems like it is turning out that way.
He is starting to learn feelings and what emotions look like. Here recently is he has be going from frowny face to smiley face. It has been a trip. I ended up catching this on my phone the other day at lunch. He is such a goofball.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Week 9: Color

Color, color, color.... It is spring here and things are coming into bloom. And blooming quite well.  However, this week I didn't get any of those pictures. Except for some grass blooming, but that isn't my actual submission.
  My submission for this week is of Mickey. My big boy decided that he was big enough for a big boy Mickey instead of his baby Mickey ( a Mickey head attached to a blanket he has had since birth). Well big boy Mickey has not left his side since we found him in the store nearly 2 weeks ago. He is filthy. Every time I would try to take a picture of where he has dropped him in the grass, he would run real fast to try to get him and move him. This is me trying to shoot with a running toddler towards the subject.  So Mickey is week 9's color submission.

Week 8: Light

This weeks was a week late. I tried to get some sun flare action going on for this weeks submission. I never really shoot in the afternoon, because I would rather have too much light than run out completely. I don't use a flash. 
But this is what I have for the week. This is our cat Oki. He is currently injured ( got bit by something we thing), but it isn't slowing him down at all. He is still as loving as ever, even becoming loving to me.