Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Week 2: Speed

This week I decided to challenge myself a little and go with the theme of speed. Thank you to my awesome husband helping me out by pouring water on my plate at 10 PM. I chose 2 for this weeks blog. I am pretty happy with both even if one is a little more gray then I would prefer. But hey, this is a learning experience. Until next week enjoy!

Both pictures- Shutter: 1/60; F/4.9; ISO: 200

Picture 1 prints

Picture 2 prints


  1. These are so cool Mariah, I was gonna leave a comment when you put them up, but I have been so scatter brained. Somehow I've been managing to squeeze out a photo each week with an hour or 2 to spare, lol.

  2. PRETTY, this is my fav......
